the little snow hut
This past week was a coloring book of subtle lines filled in with the vibrancy and saturation of the following things/events: the train, snowshoes, hotsprings, skinny dipping, snowstorm, twister, revelry, yoga, tacos, puppetry, and climbing. Also, I over-ate, for sure. And I am, at this moment, famished.Overheard on the Railrunner, or atop a hill at sunset:
Lady says, "I think that ___ has been tanning too much, don't you?"
Meet with a shrug from the listener. "He's outside..." says Guy.
Lady, gazing out the window, "I mean, I know he has more tannin in his skin than..."
[fades out]
Three elderly ladies engaged in chatter. All three roughly the same body type, shorter, heavier, with rather short gray hair. Each wearing a sweater that was probably bought at the same place that the other two were purchased. All three with hands full of glinting jewelry and stones. Two of them wearing very sporty sunglasses, Bolle and Oakley. They rap about "the little old lady across the street," saw her? "You know the type." One reads out loud to the others from a book about how Obama is against veterans. The author writing something to the effect of "Obama voted against legislation (introduced by McCain?) that would have guaranteed college monies to veterans blah blah — I can't believe that Obama thinks that higher education is too good for our vets." The ladies nod in accordance with disgust and frowns that never leave their faces even when smiling. And then this, from the woman on the left, slightly hushed, "the next time we pass those pillars, try to see how easy it is to imagine them as erect penises!" They choke laughter out, "Oh dear!" and "Only you!" Hahaha.
Large, "good-looking" guy, talking rather loudly into his phone: "ya know what service I wanna do? I wanna start a speed dating service in Santa Fe." [pause] "Ya get 30 men and 30 women together who wanna speed date ... blah blah ... 3 minutes ... a buzzer ... see if there's a love connection ... blah." [pause] "People like you! You need exposure ... blah ... then there are guys like me that just ..." [trails off]
Here are some visual recordings of recent events —